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Sustainability commitment

Contour Design's mission is to offer the most innovative products and high-quality services enabling better job satisfaction, ergonomics, and productivity. Our unique product offering contributes to positive impacts for our customers, while we recognize the need to manage all sustainability risks and negative impacts of our business.

At Contour Design, we are committed to contribute to a sustainable development and our ambition is to be in the forefront of the sustainability agenda in our industry. In line with this ambition, we want to be proactive in addressing sustainability trends and topics of interest to our customers and other stakeholders and go beyond compliance. This also means that we set a high ambition for responsible business conduct in all areas, both internally and with business relationships.

For Contour Design, sustainability is about:

– Developing high quality products that will have a long lifetime and provide our customers with the right working equipment to ensure a healthy work life.

– Minimize the environmental impact of our products by working with product design, material selection and our supply chain. Hereunder reducing and replacing virgin and high-emission materials and improving circularity and the end-of-use impact of our products. A focus area for us is to minimize our CO2e emissions and we take a fact-based approach to our efforts to make sure that the initiatives we launch will make a real impact and address the largest categories of our CO2e baseline. We will also work to create transparency for our customers and enable end-consumers to make informed choices.

– Ensuring our products are produced in a responsible way by demonstrating best practice in managing adverse impacts, in particular on the right to healthy and safe working conditions, throughout our supply chain, in cooperation with our suppliers and other business relationships.

At Contour Design, we apply internationally agreed principles to define sustainable development: human rights (including labor rights), environmental, and economic sustainability.

As a member of UN Global Compact, we embrace their 10 principles, that we make operational through the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD).

We do this by:
– Adopting a Sustainability Policy Commitment, vetted by external experts
– Establishing and maintaining a Due Diligence Process, aligned with UNGP/OECD guidelines
– Provide access to remedy through grievance mechanisms/whistleblower system


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