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Sustainability due diligence

In 2021 we conducted our first impact assessments on social, environmental, and economic sustainability for our Danish headquarters. We found that are at risk of impacting 19 of 48 social areas, 7 of 20 environmental, and 6 of 16 economic areas.

Due diligence in own operations

Based on our risks assessments we developed our Code of Conduct for Employees, assisting our employees in addressing the risks identified. We are gradually establishing Sustainability Due Diligence in all parts of our company. The methodology can be accessed here.

If a potentially impacted stakeholder, a business relationship, or other relevant stakeholders should find interest in accessing our full impact assessments please contact our sustainability team.

Woman looking into the camera smiling

Due diligence in business relationships

We expect all our business relationships to meet the internationally agreed minimum standard for managing impacts on sustainability as defined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the UNGPs), for social sustainability, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD, 2011).

Our expectation is further described in our Code of Conduct for Business Relationships.

Do you have any queries concerning our Code of Conduct you may find the answers in our FAQ.

Read our code of conduct for businesses

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